Help keep the Okpara family safe in Sheffield! Their application for asylum has been poorly handled and consequently they have been issued deporation papers. If forced to return to Nigeria their lives will be at risk and they will not be safe. In Sheffield they are embedded in our community and the children are content and happy members of their school. Both community and school would be devastated if the family were deported. Hear and read Mildred Okpara's blog here.
Thank you to all those who joined the Rally on Saturday, 25th September outside Shefffield Town Hall.

Sunday, 26 September 2010


Too tired to even step my feet  out of the house but sat down in front  of the computer and trying to piece my head around yesterdays RALLY but l still cannot believe how the whole event was piece together with beautiful perfection  KUDOS to everyone that has really stood by  me .l don't really know how am feeling today but l know am just a shadow of myself,not happy,living the day  as it comes but my head is full of what l don't understand.  l feel  like hiding some where a do abit of crying but the kids are watching my everymove as am watching there' is really a difficult time for me.

1 comment:

  1. Mildred, we are all thinking of you and the children and we and are supporting you all the way,
    anna, richard, greta and rudi x
